Generation after generation, our companies have sought product quality while conserving the environments within which they are operational.
We share a Code of Ethics that harmonizes various needs such as technological progress, quality of life and environmental protection. Our task is to perfectly balance these values. The challenge we take up − our commitment − is to propagate these values.
Generation after generation, our companies have sought product quality while conserving the environments within which they are operational. We share a Code of Ethics that harmonises various needs such as technological progress, quality of life and environmental protection. Our task is to perfectly balance these values. The challenge we take up − our commitment − is to propagate these values. Our mission is to hand them down to the generations to come.
Le nostre aziende sono impegnate da anni per la tutela del territorio e condividono un codice etico che tiene insieme tecnologia ed eccellenza dei pellami con l’attenzione alla qualità della vita e dell’ambiente.
Trovare e mantenere l’equilibrio perfetto fra tutti questi elementi è la nostra sfida e il nostro impegno.
Le nostre aziende sono impegnate da anni per la tutela del territorio e condividono un codice etico che tiene insieme tecnologia ed eccellenza dei pellami con l’attenzione alla qualità della vita e dell’ambiente.
Trovare e mantenere l’equilibrio perfetto fra tutti questi elementi è la nostra sfida e il nostro impegno.
Thanks to decades of activity, dedicated research and constant improvement of production activities, the distretto conciario toscano (the tannery district of Tuscany) has become an internationally renowned instance of excellence…
Tanning has been going on in this Tuscan district since the mid-nineteenth century, as a skills-base handed down from one generation to the next. The history of the Consorzio Conciatori consortium is the history of a land.
A land of passion, inventiveness and know-how.
Sustainability is a strategic competitiveness driver. Over the years, protocols have been adopted to develop environmental best practices in order to create and enhance synergic bonds between our environment, society and economic life.
Generation after generation, our companies have sought product quality while conserving the environments within which they are operational.
We share a Code of Ethics that harmonises various needs such as technological progress, quality of life and environmental protection Our task is to perfectly balance these values.
The challenge we take up − our commitment − is to propagate these values. Our mission is to hand them down to the generations to come.
Thanks to decades of activity, dedicated research and constant improvement of production activities, the distretto conciario toscano (the tannery district of Tuscany) has become an internationally renowned instance of excellence…
Tanning has been going on in this Tuscan district since the mid-nineteenth century, as a skills-base handed down from one generation to the next.
The history of the Consorzio Conciatori consortium is the history of a land.
A land of passion, inventiveness and
Sustainability is a strategic competitiveness driver. Over the years, protocols have been adopted to develop environmental best practices in order to create and enhance synergic bonds between our environment, society and economic life.

Where are we
Piazza Stellato Spalletti, 12
56028 San Miniato, Pisa

Consorzio Conciatori Ponte a Egola
Operazione/progetto co-finanziato
dal POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020
Asse1 Azione 1.1.2
vedi il progetto